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The Business Records of Fraser, Trenholm & Company of Liverpool and Charleston, South Carolina, 1860-1877, from the Merseyside Maritime Museum, Liverpool


B/FT Box 1 1-215 Letters to C K Prioleau (unless otherwise stated)

B/FT 1/1: E G Bowen, Annapolis (pp 2) re business matters. 27 Sept 1863
B/FT ½: E G B, Bristol (pp 2) as (1) above. 24 April 186?
B/FT 1/3: H O Brewer, London (pp 2) requesting payment of debt. 9 March 1865
B/FT ¼: H O B, London (pp 2) as (3) above (p1 has corner cut off.) 11 March 1865
B/FT 1/5: H O B, London (pp 2) as (3) and (4) above. 16 March 1865
B/FT 1/+6: James D Bulloch, Rumford Court, Liverpool, to General C J McRae and Messrs Fraser, Trenholm & Co, Liverpool (pp 3.) (He has been asked by Prioleau to transfer available funds to meet Bills drawn on Fraser, Trenholm, against purchases by Huse, etc). He says that to meet the demands of the Treasury Dept above £40,000 would put an end to all offensive operations of which he had charge (as agent for Navy Dept.) Makes conditions for making cash available for Bills to be met and preserve credit. 18 March 1865
B/FT 1/7: James D Bulloch, Paris (pp 2 - very fragile) re 'this man Yonge' who he considers to be an infamous false witness in the Alexandra case. 20 April 1863
B/FT 1/+8: Brindley Sunbury (pp 4.) "I am sorry that Mr Davis (President of the Confederate States of America [henceforth C S A]) has refused to allow the acting consuls to discharge their functions, since he cuts the South off from the diplomatic official world of Europe". 6 Nov 1863
B/FT 1/9: C W Chapman, Mexico City (pp 2.) Thanks C K P for choosing him as artist to paint 2 large pictures re Confederate War effort, and encloses 2 small photos of his paintings of Monterey. 20 May 1866
B/FT 1/10: A Collie, London (pp 2) to Fraser, Trenholm & Co re production of "Cotton Certificates" to raise funds for Govt of C S A. 11 Dec 1862
B/FT 1/11: J T D (Dr J T Darby?) (pp 2.) Success of Lynx (blockade runner); people imprisoned at Point Lookout Prison; ineffectual application of money raised previous year; aspects of Northern elections "Lincoln cannot be re-elected except by a fraudulent army vote"; latest news of Grant, who has lost 136,000 men since crossing the Rapidan. 22 July 1864
B/FT 1/12: John Erin, Secretary of I & R (?), Queenstown, Ireland. (Royal Western Yacht Club notepaper, pp2) re C K P's intention to resign membership of Yacht Club. 1865 (Damaged by damp) (Repaired)
B/FT 1/13: W J Fernie (Liverpool shipowner and merchant) to Fraser, Trenholm & Co (pp 2) requests admittance to 1/5th share of proposed cotton operation from Confederate States (Damaged by damp) (Repaired)
B/FT 1/14: A Goulstone (?) (pp 2) re financing of Mary's education. Danger of mail, esp. addressed to C K P being opened and stopped. (Attached: 2 receipts re John Bull's Weighing Machine, Church Road, Garnston.) 8 Feb 186?
B/FT 1/15: Morse Goulter, Bristol (pp 2) re transmission of letters to relatives in C S A. 23 Apr 1863
B/FT 1/+16: Robert H Grinnell, Richmond (p1.) He has been in all the battles involving the Army of the Potomac and lost two fingers. He expects a victory stating that above army "cannot be defeated". He has lived on bacon and corn for the last year. 15 June 1863
B/FT 1/16(a): Edward Haigh, Liverpool (pp 2) re European Trading Co Business. 7 March 1865
B/FT 1/+17: J R Hamilton (?), Grand Hotel, Paris (pp 2.) Order for the 'short' (?) guns and projectiles under way. Recommends some other guns and will write once he has seen drawings of 'the 150 pounders'. He has met various interesting people incl. Capt Speke, 'the Nile man'. Discussed Cuba Slave Trade from Zanzibar. 1 April 186?
B/FT 1/18: J R H, Grand Hotel, Paris (pp 3) re Bulloch & Huse; England and France (newspapers); health of 'Alfred' ('Fred'). 23 April 1864
B/FT 1/19: J R H, London (pp 2.) He has sold the machinery to the Turkish Government. 3 Jan 1867
B/FT 1/20: Fraser, Trenholm & Co (?) to P L Henderson (pp 2) re payment for sale to C K P of paddle steamer Eugenie. nd
B/FT 1/21: Rita D Huger, New Orleans (pp 4.) Life under harsh rule of General Butler. Asks C K P's assistance in regaining various possessions either seized by Northern agents or shipped to Scotland. Dread of Northern agents for C K P's name. Her passionate support for Confederates. 9 March 1865 (?)
B/FT 1/22: Rita D Huger, Athens, George (pp 2). Her impressions of her country, incl. wretched condition of negroes since their emancipation. She is considering emigrating to Australia - any fate preferable to remaining "under the heel of the Yankees". 16 June 1865
B/FT 1/23: Hull, Stone and Fletcher to C K P (p1) enc. copy accounts of trustees of children of Mrs Taylor etc. 17 Feb 1869
B/FT 1/+24: (Unsigned, but hand of) Caleb Huse, Paris (incomplete pp2.) Writes of contact between Mr Benjamin (Confederate Secretary of State) and a 'young man of New Orleans' for saltpetre, rifles, sabres, files, harness and bridle. Payment in cotton. Mr Slidell (friend of President Buchanan and Confederate diplomatic agent) has asked writer to inspect the arms. Proposed "to surrender to you the contract with the London Armstrong Company for Revolvers". Mentions Sinclair, Hamilton and Co (rifles)
B/FT 1/25: Caleb Huse, London (pp 2.) The Babanca and Melita have arrived in Nassau. Huse asks C K P's advice re payment ot be given for services of Capt Blakeley. 1 July 1862
B/FT 1/+26: Caleb Huse, Liverpool (pp 2.) Outlines proposal of Erlanger and Co about loan for Confederacy. Requests that Fraser, Trenholm and Co's opinion be deployed to persuade War Dept in Richmond to accept it. 3 Nov ?
B/FT 1/27: Caleb Huse, London (pp 2.) Returns note from Slidell. Confederates fortunate in the Paris appointment. "If we can have a six months armistice and meantime those life preservers at Birkenhead can be finished - so far as we getting supplies or cotton out is concerned, we shall be quite independent." Systematic preparation for defence should be entered upon at once not only by the Confederate States but by the individual States bordering on sea coast. c 8 Nov 1862
B/FT 1/28: Caleb Huse, London (pp 4 - slightly damaged) re Bonds and re Mr (?)'s willingness to dispose of his machine for 'plaining' (sic) (?) his projectiles to make them fit the gun. Machine adaptable to any sized projectile. His satisfaction with quality of military supplies sent by certain company. 19 Nov 1862
B/FT 1/29: Copy of Court Order addressed to Caleb Huse re Action for Debt of £20,000 claimed by B W Hart and E J Hart (Plaintiffs) from Jefferson Davis, J T Benjamin, G Trenholm and others. 15 March 1865
B/FT 1/30: Capt R Semmes, Alabama (heavily restored.) 1864
B/FT 1/31: J H Lefroy, Director General of Ordnance War Office, London (p1.) Requests specimen of Martini Henry Refile to be deposited in 'the Museum'. 25 Oct 1869
B/FT 1/32: J B Lafitte (pp 2) re cotton prices in Southern States. Nd
B/FT 1/33: T R Lafitte (pp 6) (very faint - virtually illegible.) 23 Jan (?)
B/FT 1/34: E Laurence, Town Hall, Liverpool (pp 2.) Asks reason why their bill has not been paid. 7 March 1865
B/FT 1/35: Francis D Lee, Charleston (pp 2) re his inventions (unspecified, probably military) in which he hoes C K P will take an interest. 19 May 1866
B/FT 1/36: To General McRae from John H Mains, London (p1) 'The attachments have not been withdrawn re court case. 28 March 1865
B/FT 1/37: Account sheet (loose) of C S A Treasury Dept. Details of warrants, audit bills, ships' cotton cargoes (several ships named.) 21 Feb 1865
B/FT 1/38: C J McRae, Savile Row, London to Fraser, Trenholm and Co, Liverpool (pp 2) re Bonds. Mentions Huse, Gorgas and Bulloch. Signals end of blockade - running with evacuation of Charleston. Suggests that Florida ports could be used by small craft like Lark and Wren. Erlanger bonds unsaleable at price set by the Secretary. New loans considered. 4 March 1865
B/FT 1/39: C J McRae, 17 Savil (sic) Row, London (pp 2.) Notes C K P's news that no panic due to his need to refuse Govt Bills, but C J M anticipates this will not be case re his 'acceptances' made payable at London Joint Stock Bank. (Build up to last financial crisis of Confederacy). 9 March 1865
B/FT 1/40: C J McRae, Savil Row (London (pp 2.) Account statements of Steamers Rosine and Ruby not encouraging, and suggests sending them back to their builders or selling them. Mr Kinner reports mutiny of shareholders of the "Merchant Bank". Thus need for secrecy re "the Loan". 10 March 1865
B/FT 1/41: C J McRae, Savil Row, London (pp2.) Re certain parties taking legal proceedings to secure payment by C K P of bill for £10,000. (Parties incl. European Trading Co, and the Albion Trading Co). 14 March 1865
B/FT 1/42: C J McRae, Savil Row, London (pp 4.) More re bills, esp. one of Major N S Walker. Writs served on Schroder, Huse, McRae, Bulloch etc (re C S finances). Advises payment of £10,000 bill (see above item (41).) 15 March 1865
B/FT 1/43: C J McRae, Savil Row, London (pp 2.) Further details of writs in (42) above, served by R & E J Hart for goods sold to agents of the C S Govt at Nassau. More legal proceedings vs. Fraser, Trenholm and Co and McRae. 16 March 1865
B/FT 1/44: C J McRae, Savil Row, London. Telegraphed message to Fraser, Trenholm and Co (p1) - advising them not to accept "the W (ie Walker) Bill for £20,000". (Via British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Co Ltd, Liverpool). 18 March 1865
B/FT 1/45: C J McRae, Savil Row, London (pp 2.) More finance and legal matters. 25 March 1865
B/FT 1/46: C J McRae, etc (pp2.) Financial and legal matters. 28 March 1865
B/FT 1/47: C J McRae, etc, to F T & Co (pp 2.) Mainly legal incl. copies of 5 letters re financial/legal matters and loose telegraphic messages to same from C J M to F & Co. 3 April 1865
B/FT 1/48: P Bentivoglio Middleton, Rome (pp 2.) Thanks Prioleau for forwarding letters to his son in Charleston. 16 Jan 1864
B/FT 1/49: L Musgrave, H Q Trans Miss Dept, Shrevesport, La (pp 2.) News of Mr Grinnell, wounded at recent battle on the Rappahanock. L M has "been over here since we blew up the Merrimac". He is a master in Navy, currently on army duty as "Inspector of Heavy Artillery for this Dept with the rank of Lieut Col of Ordnance". Has very few big guns and suggests that Prioleau sends guns via vessels sailing into Matamoris. Fall of Vicksburg has prevented arrival of guns from Richmond to equip an iron -clad they have just completed. Expects heavy fighting in area as soon as river rises, but has three batteries on the river and works them "in naval style". 28 August ?
B/FT 1/50: N W Kennion, Harrogate (pp 2.) Re Prioleau's sister's illness. 16 Dec 1863
B/FT 1/51: James C North (letter half destroyed). Mentions Capt Semmes. Re cargo to be sent on certain vessel. Wants chart, chronometer etc. "Why cannot a part of the ship that Huse wishes to send be shipped on board..?" nd
B/FT 1/52: J C North (letter half destroyed). Apologies to Prioleau for misunderstanding re his remarks re fitting out of ships for C S A. Mentions Capt Semmes, Huse. (See above, item (51).) Nd
B/FT 1/53: Alfred T Parket, Bank Chambers, Liverpool (pp 2) (badly damaged - damp). Accepts terms of loan. 14 Sept 1868
B/FT 1/54: A T P, Bank Chambers (pp2 - damaged - damp.) Thanks for note etc. 5 Oct 186?
B/FT 1/55: A T P, Aigburth (pp 2, damaged - damp.) Has found house in Mayfield Road and will move out of Prioleau's cottage near Liverpool. 23 Dec 1868
B/FT 1/56: A T P, Liverpool (pp 2, damaged - damp.) Re cost of new shaft for cart etc and encloses 3 months rent for cottage. 28 Dec 1868
B/FT 1/57: William Patriott, Derbyshire (pp 2 - top damaged - damp.) Encloses letter by Wm H Young of Columbus, Georgia (now missing). Asks Prioleau to deposit money to his credit in the North Western Bank, Liverpool. 4 July 1865
B/FT 1/58: William Patriott, Matllock Bath (?) (pp 2, damaged - damp.) Brief note re Mr Wright's remittance. 6 July 1865

Re: Yachts/Vessels
B/FT 1/59: J Pearce (Pearce and Co) London Yacht Agency (pp 2, fragile - damp). Re cost of vessel Surprise. 29 March 1866
B/FT 1/60: J Pearce (as above), London (pp 2, fragile.) Re various vessels he has for sale. 29 March 1866
B/FT 1/61: J Pearce (as above), London (pp 2, fragile, damp.) Re vessel Goshawk. 3 April 1866
B/FT 1/62: J Pearce, London (pp 3, very fragile, damp). Re new vessel Red Gauntlet (on Quebec and Montreal Royal Ocean Mail Steamers notepaper). Also "Descriptive Plan" of decks of said vessel (p1, fragile.) 5 April 1866
B/FT 1/63: J Pearce, London (pp 2.) Re vessel Red Gauntlet. 6 April 1866
B/FT 1/64: M Portsmouth (signed by). Specifications and diagram of decks of schooner/yacht Nereid (p1 fragile.) July 1865
B/FT 1/65: S S Pemberton, Gloucester (pp 4), requesting job reference. 30 October 1867
B/FT 1/66: Miss Isabella Pogson, Bath (p1.) Enclosing cheque and asking Prioleau to forward money to Mrs Sarah Pogson-Smith in Charleston. 8 July 1863
B/FT 1/67a: Envelope containing 2 letters: from James Porteous (gardener at Prioleau's residence at Balkail, Carlisle) - alleging misconduct of other servants at Balkail in absence of Mrs Prioleau. 26 Sept 1864
B/FT 1/67b: Nish (another servant? - see above item 50.) Arguing that the gardener's testimony not to be trusted. 10 Oct 1864
B/FT 1/68: James Porteous to Mrs Prioleau (pp 2 damaged at top.) Request for garden supplies. 27 February 1864
B/FT 1/69: James Porteous, Balkail (pp 2 - edges damaged.) Re grapes and other fruit. 8 Oct 1867
B/FT 1/70: A Turner Porter (Rector of Church of Holy Communion), Charleston (pp 2, damaged.) Asks Prioleau to procure an architect to help plan proposed church to be built in Charleston after war. Comments on fortitude of people under threat of attack. (damaged.)
B/FT 1/71: J Maxwell Pringle, Columbia (?) South Carolina, C S A (pp 2 - edges frayed.) Asks Prioleau, via Wagner's permission, to send him copy of the "Greek Testament". (damaged.) 19 Aug 1864
B/FT 1/72: James M Pringle, Charleston (p1, edge frayed). Asks P's help in acquiring replacement bells for St Michael's Church, Charleston. (Carried off or broken during war) (damaged.) 9 Jan 186(6)
B/FT 1/73: James M Pringle, Charleston (p1 - badly frayed, fragile.) Re St Michael's bells (as 72).) 16 March 1865

Family Correspondence
B/FT 1/74: A (?) (Alice? C K P's sister) 21 Lansdowne Crescent (pp 5) "My dearest Charlie." - personal and family matters. Writer possibly going to France. 11 July 18??
B/FT 1/75: H (Hannah, C K P's sister), Harrogate (pp 2.) Re family. 24 Nov 1863
B/FT 1/76: J Ford Prioleau, Columbia South Carolina, (pp 2 - badly damaged.) Enquires about his brother, Charles, who is in enemy hands. Gives account of his capture, and of the campaign (damaged.) 31 July 1864

Mary Prioleau (C K's wife), letters to C K P c. 1863 - 1865
B/FT 1/77: Mary Prioleau, Balkail (Carlisle) (pp 2) 22 Aug 1863
B/FT 1/78: Ditto (pp 6) 23 Aug 1863
B/FT 1/79: Ditto (pp 4) 24 Aug 1853
B/FT 1/80: Ditto (pp 3) 28 Aug 1863
B/FT 1/81: Ditto, Crown Hotel, Harrogate (pp 3) 25 Oct 1863
B/FT 1/82: Envelope contains 2 receipts for womens' clothes from Parisian shops. (Bought by Mrs Prioleau and Mrs Hamilton). 1864
B/FT 1/83: Mary Prioleau, Balkail, (pp 2). Family - incl. rumour of death of C P's namesake "Charley Prioleau" (in C S A). 26 July 1864
B/FT 1/84: M P, Balkail (pp 4) 1 Aug 1864
B/FT 1/85: Ditto (pp 2) 2 Aug 1864
B/FT 1/86: Ditto (pp 2) 3 Aug 1864
B/FT 1/87: Ditto (pp 2) 20 Aug 1864
B/FT 1/88: Ditto (pp 2) 26 Aug 1864
B/FT 1/89: Ditto (pp 3) 27 Aug 1864
B/FT 1/90: Ditto, London (pp 2) 17 May 1865
B/FT 1/91: Ditto, London (pp 2) 20 May 1865
B/FT 1/92: Ditto, Ditto (pp 2) 24 Aug 1865
B/FT 1/93: Ditto, Liverpool (pp 2) 9 Jan 1866
B/FT 1/94: Ditto, Randolph Hotel (Oxford) (pp 2) 1 May 1868
B/FT 1/95: Ditto, Oxford (pp 4) 3 May 1868
B/FT 1/96: Ditto, Sandhurst (pp 2) 5 May 1868
B/FT 1/97: Ditto, London (pp 3) 7 May 1868
B/FT 1/98: Ditto, London (pp 4) 9 May 1868
B/FT 1/99: Ditto, Ditto (pp 2) 10 May 1868
B/FT 1/100: Ditto, Ditto (pp 2) 13 May 1868
B/FT 1/101: Ditto, Ditto (pp 3) 14 May 1868
B/FT 1/102: Ditto, Paris (pp 2) 16 May 1868
B/FT 1/103: Ditto, Paris (pp 4) 19 May 1868
B/FT 1/104: J M P (C K P's sister), in Aiken, USA (pp 2, torn.). Re her son's future and her intention to take boarders in Atlanta. 16 March 1869
B/FT 1/105: Phoebe Prioleau (C K P's niece), Aiken, South Carolina (pp 2, damaged by damp.) 3 March 1865
B/FT 1/106: Philip Prioleau (C K P's cousin), Smithville, North Carolina. Re Confederate bond paper money, crops and war news (R). 8 May 1864
B/FT 1/+107: Thomas Prioleau, Charleston, S C (pp 3.) Includes detailed description of siege of Charleston, especially the bombardment. Residents have made arrangements to move from city. 7 Sep 1863
B/FT 1/108: Thomas Prioleau, Charleston, S C (pp 2.) They have adequate food supplies, but are greatly in need of clothing - asks P to send same. Cotton to be sent via Nassau. Feels that Charleston is safe. Incessant shelling has done little injury to most of town. Good crops last year and hopeful of same this year. Four of his sons on active service for Confederacy. (damaged.) 4 Mar 1864
B/FT 1/109: Thomas Prioleau, Charleston, (pp 2.) Has been obliged to return to college duties and to practise of medicine due to uncertainty of cotton business. But still plans to erect saw mill. (damaged.) 2 Mar 1866
B/FT 1/+110: W J C Prioleau, Savannah, Georgia, (p1 Confederate States Notepaper), Medical Surveyors office and District. Apparently talking of relative released by Yankees because he was a surgeon. Reduced to beggary. 29 May 1865
B/FT 1/111: W J C Prioleau, Charleston, S C (pp 4, last page badly torn, and stamp removed). Enclose prospectus of a Steam Saw Mill on the Satilla River Georgia - hoping that C K P will refer it to an English House who may wish to enter into partnership. 13 Apr 1866
B/FT 1/112: Ed Pulinckx, Antwerp, Belgium (pp 2). Repeats offer of his services as agent for sale of tobacco and cotton in Belgium. (damaged.) 6 Mar 1865 (For R Semmes, Captain of Alabama, see 30 above).
B/FT 1/113: Joseph Smith, The Oakes, to "My Dear Ben" (pp 2). Copy of letter re allowances made in past two or three years to Mrs Wallop (who had lost property due to American War) (see below, items 155-7). (ms copy). 20 Mar 1865
B/FT 1/114: (a) James Spence, 1 Pinner's Hall Court, Old Broad Street, E C London (pp 2) about to travel to Paris. 20 Jun 1863
(b) Bill of fare (in French) Arklow House. 25 Jun 1863
(c) Envelope addressed to C K P, m/s Frazer Trenholme & Co, Liverpool. 26 July 1863
B/FT 1/115: James Spence (London) (pp 2) re stocks, finance, McRae. Public opinion there "in favour of Independence". 1 Apr 186?
B/FT 1/116: Thomas C Stanford & Co, London. Certificate of genuineness (pp 2) and receipt re 5 portraits of Southern Confederate Generals, Lee; Jackson; Johnson; Beauregard & President Davis painted by B F Reinhardt serving in Confederate Army. Envelope addressed to C K P. 5 + 8 Oct 1863
B/FT 1/117: Charlotte Taylor, Douglas, Isle of Man (pp 2.) Encloses copies (in her own hand) of 2 letters written by her from New York. 26 Mar 1864
B/FT 1/117: (a) Both very detailed; re problems of travel for Confederate supporter. 2 Jan 1861
(b) 27 Jan 1864
B/FT 1/118 W H Trapmann, Paris, signed with initials (pp 2.) Re cotton business asks P's advice. Mentions Mr Beinberg, whom they had seen at the Races, day of the Grand Prix. 15 Jun 186?
B/FT 1/119 W H Trapmann, Paris (pp 2) (damaged.) 25 Sept 1868
B/FT 1/120 W H Trapmann, Paris (pp 2), re business; wants address of good shipping agent Liverpool. Jan 1869
B/FT 1/121: Alfred Trenholme, Annandale, Santee, South Carolina, (pp 2). On visit to Santee with Capt Hazzard. Has been in fields with 'the negros' (sic) and 'agreeably surprised to see how hard and with what good spirits they did their work.' They have been so humbug (sic) by the Yankees that they are willing to do anything. Asks for some hound dogs. All dogs in area destroyed by General Sherman as he passed through, so now the deer #as thick as rabbits. 18 Mar 1866
B/FT 1/122: Alfred Trenholm (Mr Fred), Annandale, Santee, South Carolina to "Lynchie" (C K P's son?) (p7) (prob originally enclosed with (121).) 18 Mar 1866
B/FT 1/123: Non-existent
B/FT 1/124: G A Trenholm (pp 4, incomplete, repaired) re protection vs. free trade and N and S States and prospect of war and foreign powers. South Carolina is out of the Union (by vote of S C legislation on 20 Dec) - discusses implications and personalities. Anticipates secession of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and perhaps Arkansas. The South will have officers from the U S Navy, but that does not mean the will have a navy. Lieut Hamilton is already home. "The blockade of the Southern ports for six months would be a serious thing for England 21 Dec 1860.
B/FT 1/125: G A Trenholm, Charleston (presumably), (p1, fragile). Note to C K P at end of letter from lady (sister of certain Capt Sinclair) asking favour. Trenholm comments that "the dreadful consequence of this blockade" is that "here is a most charming woman actually destitute of perfume". 10 Jan 1863
B/FT 1/126: G A Trenholm, Charleston (pp 4) concern re health of his son Alfred, who has been granted honourable discharge from army. Proposes to send him to England (c/o Prioleau) via Nassau. 18 April 1863
B/FT 1/127: G A T, Columbia (pp 4 - fragile, slightly torn). William (G's son) wounded in cavalry engagement in Virginia (Alfred clearly already in England with P). Discussion of war. Changes of tactics by enemy (adoption of the "Vicksburg theory") requiring corresponding changes in disposition of C S A Forces. Expresses belief that Grant, Sherman, Johnston and Forest will fail. Confident that Richmond is safe and Confederacy more secure than ever. 4 June 1864
B/FT 1/128: G A T, Fort Pulaski (pp 2.) Despite being in prison, his health is still poor. He is in favour of abolition of slavery and believes that every effort should be made to "elevate" blacks. 4 Oct 1865
B/FT 1/129: G A T, Charleston (pp 2.) Discusses the British and Southern Finance Co, their new venture, and gives examples of what could be profitably exploited (the S C Railroad). He outlines plans for the financing of property repair and development. (Intention is to play part in recovery of the South with profit). (The recovery of the South is a major theme in the documents and correspondence of 1865 et seq in this collection). 24 Nov 1865
B/FT 1/130: G A T, Charleston (pp 5) mainly re family and financial matters. (damaged.) 16 Jan 1865
B/FT 1/131 : G A T, Charleston (p1) re bonds and accounts he is sending. 23 Jan 1866
B/FT 1/132: G A T, Charleston (pp 4, slightly mildewed.) Mainly re finance. Incl. "All the Negro property we held before the war has been confiscated without compensation, houses have been burned, plantations devastated". 20 Feb 1866
B/FT 1/133: G A T, Charleston (p1, fragile, damp.) His delight in recovery of "the £800". Business advice. Sympathy for 'awful crisis' through which Prioleau passing. Encl. letter 133 (a) below. (damaged.) 5 June 1865
B/FT 1/133: (a) Thos F Davis, DD, Bishop of South Carolina, Charleston, to Bishop, Clergy and Laity of Church of England (p1, damaged). Appeal for books for new theological seminary - to be forwarded by Fraser, Trenholm and Co. (damaged.) 1 June 1866
B/FT 1/134: G A T, Charleston (pp 2, fragile) re legal case and background finances. (damaged.) 5 July 1866
B/FT 1/135: G A T, Charleston (pp 1, slightly torn) mainly personal and financial. (damaged.) 13 Aug 1866
B/FT 1/136: G A T, Charleston (pp 3) re legal and business matters. Incl. settling by G A T of 'the Hampton case', which had threatened to ruin him. 23 Oct 1869
B/FT 1/137: W L Trenholm, New York (pp 6). He analyses condition of the defeated South during last 2 years of war. Sees the war as conflict between Nationalism and Federalism. In present state of the South former slaves do not like their freedom. He believes that the consequence of emancipation will be the extinction of the black. The future of cotton is gloomy because it needs cheap labour; immigration will solve this. Says that his father (G A T), having been arrested in Columbia and carried to Charleston, reported to be at Fort Pulaski (see above, item (128). ) 21 June 1865
B/FT 1/138: W L Trenholm, Charleston, (pp 4, slightly mildewed.) Re family and business. Mentions Welsman's intention to retire. 10 Apr 1866
B/FT 1/138: (a) T D Wagner, Charleston (p1, fragile, badly torn.) Difficulties of negotiation with Treasury Dept and Agents in attempt to acquire cotton cargoes for the Lynx and the Thistle. 21 May 186((4)?
B/FT 1/139: T D Wagner, Charleston (pp 2). Re offer by President (of C S A) to Trenholm of post of Secretary of Treasury, and latter's reluctant acceptance. Wagner's difficulties in running firm, despite Welsman's help. The Fox ran blockage to Nassau, despite being threatened by various warships. He is awaiting the Hope and the Lynx. Fort Sumter under severe bombardment and its commander Capt John Mitchell killed. 25 July 1864
B/FT 1/140: T D Wagner, Charleston (pp 2). Re $1,000 bond of State of Illinois belonging to General Jordon (?). Lull in enemy firing on city. Wagner more confident of prospects of South's army of winning a victory once ranks filled. Recommends and suggests Prioleau buys him a boat and sends him to Nassau. 27 July 186?
B/FT 1/141: T D Wagner, Charleston (?), (pp 6, p3 repaired with cotton.) The ladies have been sent to New York. The Army has not been well provided for in the severe winter. Charleston having a severe time, shelling daily getting higher up town. Sumter holds out. W dined with Mayor Elliott, who is in fine spirits. Wagner thinks city cannot be taken if Sumter held: "I do not think the Monsters will be able to come up to the City". Death of Mr and Mrs Foge. More detailed re shelling of Charleston (very interesting). Re profits for shares in steamer 'P'(?). Rates of exchange, bonds, currency. Contentment and resilience of womenfolk throughout struggle. nd (c 18 Jan 1865)
B/FT 1/142: T D W, Pendleton (pp 2, signature cut off.) Mainly business. Government seized our ships Muchanan (?) or Indian Chief and burnt her, despite agreement not to damage her (cost $50,000). 20 May 1865
B/FT 1/+143: T D Wagner, Charleston (pp 8, slightly mildewed.) He has been arrested by order of General Hatch, but released on parole. Advise that boats be sold and says he is returning the "£60,000 Erlanger Loan Certificate" (ie terminating business). Gives news of Trenholm, who wants credits sent to him but directed to others. The situation - "The corruption, Black Mail, bribes etc are fearful". He will need to bribe to save Trenholm and himself. Social conditions in Charleston - feelings of the conquered, degradation of the Provost Marshall's Court, impoverishment of both negro and master, "the negro has become insolent", Yankees taking over city. Discusses the account for shot and powder. 9 June 1865
B/FT 1/+144: T D W, Charleston (p1.) The presidents of the blockade - running companies are in jail. ".Jerrer and A S Johnston are in jail for not answering where the funds of the Companies are.."" He gives instructions concerning the remittance of funds. 12 July 1865
B/FT 1/145: T D W, Charleston (p1 - fragile, torn.) The (cotton) purchase in Albany "turns out a miss". (damaged.) 7 Oct 1865
B/FT 1/+146: T D W, Charleston (pp 6, v. fragile, badly torn.) With rents soaring in the city they are doing well from their property. Col Crown has shipped 308 bales of cotton from the Rankin plantation, and 608 from Macon soon to go. They are taking action to recover goods and property from the U S Govt. Prioleau busy with his law suit, Trenholm is ill. He hopes that Campbell will go to Washington soon to obtain Tranholm's pardon. They expect that the property to be returned by order of the President will be "the most valuable property received by any firm south of New York". Southern State Bonds are advancing as are North Carolina and Tennessee Bonds of which Prioleau holds some for the firm. The war debt of the States repudiated "except in South Carolina". They have shares in the South Carolina Railroad. 10 Nov 1865
B/FT 1/147: T D W, Charleston (pp 4.) Anticipates large advance in all the Cotton State Bonds. Discusses share prices; property owned by firm... "but our ladies of Carolina will never harmonise with Yankees". 28 March 1866
B/FT 1/148: T D W, Charleston (pp 2, fragile at base.) Thinks cotton will go down much lower. Expects large crop since people compelled to produce it for own support. Is glad that Prioleau has changed his mind and decided to retain his real estate there "some of the most valuable property in Charleston". Share prices for Rail Road, Cotton. Exchange rates for bills. (damaged.) 13 April 1866
B/FT 1/49: T D W, Charleston (pp 2.) Business market very small here and very difficult to raise funds. Advises Prioleau to buy cotton shares (very cheap). Notes (6 June) that more bad weather for crops, and "more complaint(s) of the freed men not working - Cotton firm".
B/FT 1/50: T D W, Charleston (pp 3). P has had a hard time, but W sending him as much cotton as possibly via the Amelia etc. Weather has been better for crops in last 2 weeks "but the freed labour is a humbug and there will not be a crop of over 1,500,000 bags made". Re: Prioleau's property. Also "our political affairs are in a condition to disgust any one - the negro gets more demoralised every day, and I have no idea that they will work a Cotton crop another year. 27 July 1866
B/FT 1/151: T D W, Charleston (pp 2). Re: Thistle business. W cannot carry out P's wishes since the package from New York has not arrived. Mr Porter is our Counsel, and he, Mr Turner and Mr Walker were appointed Commissioners. Suggest that Prioleau gets Walker's testimony in England. Weather continues fine or crop. Cotton prices, other share prices. 7 Aug 1866
B/FT 1/152: T D W, Charleston (?), (pp 4, slightly mildewed.) W has just returned from Pendleton. "The whole country from Columbia has been burnt up." (no corn or cotton). Situation now faces 'the up Country'. Cotton business Prioleau's business and legal problems. ".some of the New York people are very bitter towards us and down upon us.". Family matters. 29 Aug 1866
B/FT 1/153: T D W, (?), (pp 4.) Mainly re cotton business and P's legal problems ".and it kills us in New York - we cannot nigh create (?) since the account was published about the steamers." 6 Sep 1866
B/FT 1/154: T D W, Charleston (pp 4, last p torn). The U S has filed a Bill vs. Wagner confident that writ vs. Prioleau will be stopped, but says it is annoying and affects their credit in New York - they cannot sell there in quantity. Cotton business. Death of Mr Trenholm's young daughter. "The Radicals will no doubt carry the elections." Fears of confiscation in the south. 25 Sept 1886
B/FT 1/155: Elizabeth P Wallop, Hampshire (pp 2.) To Fraser, Trenholm & Co, widow in great distress, asking for loan. 26 Mar 1865
B/FT 1/156: E P W, Hants (pp 2.) Asking for loan £25 quarterly, 11 Apr 1865
B/FT 1/157: E P W, Exeter (pp 2.) She is about to leave for America. 11 Sep 1865
B/FT 1/+158: J T Welsman, Charleston (pp3.) He has been separated from his children and sisters since Sept 1861. Re risks of capture in blockade-running, and further preparations of the enemy at Charleston's door, Batteries established on island. The enemy has not made much progress in the siege for some time, but all he takes he holds. 5 Jan 1864
B/FT 1/+159: J T Welsman, Montreal (pp 2.) Discusses that agency in Bermuda which assists Confederate vessels forwarding Army and Navy supplies etc. It received several cargoes sent by Huse and others. Complains re Walker's appointment as agent in Bermuda. Has head nothing of the Hope. Believes that only larger shallow draught vessels capable of great speed now able to run blockade with continued success. Glad to hear that the Lynx had made successful return trip. 14 July 1864
B/FT 1/+160: J T Welsman, Charleston (pp 2, slight tear in corner.) The G J Watson ran blockade before evacuation of Charleston. Discusses the setting up between the Confederate Govt and Fraser, Trenholm and outstanding accounts. Concerned over the firm's books removed from Columbia before Sherman's army approached. Only one house left standing in Columbia, people have lost everything, wealthy people are reduced to cooking their own meals. Believes that large amount of capital in English branch of firm. 31 May 1865
B/FT 1/+161: J T Welsman, Montreal, (pp 3.) Outstanding business with C S Navy Dept (incl. confusion). If real estate and personality Bonds, Stocks, etc not confiscated they have valuable property. He hopes to have capital in England. 1 Jun 1865
B/FT 1/+162: J T Welsman, Charleston (pp 2.) Re prospects of financial losses. Does not consider total or permanent confiscation likely. 15 June 1865
B/FT 1/163: J T Welsman, Charleston (pp 2.) Prospects for cotton growing better in Georgia than S Virginia labour situation - many negroes willing to work for former masters. 2 Mar 1866
B/FT 1/164: J T Welsman, Charleston, (pp 2.) Re death of his daughter. 27 July 1866
B/FT 1/165: G Wigg, Liverpool, (Managing Director of European Trading Co Ltd) to F T & Co (pp 2). Re F T & Co not paying debt £10,000) of Confederate Govt to Messrs Brown and Shipley (and to European Trading Co also) and possible legal action. 24 Mar 1865
B/FT 1/166: G Wigg, Liverpool, to F T & Co (pp 2.) Expresses 'astonishment and regret; at Fraser, Trenholm's 'discourteous communication' in reply to previous letter. Refers to Brewer's letter stating that C K P had agreed to pay bill for £10,000 and threatens to send correspondence to London Times for publication unless satisfactory explanations sent "before 5 o'clock today". 25 March 1865
B/FT 1/167: Jacob William (Solicitor), Charleston (pp 4.) Information about friends and neighbours. "Tom Wagner and several other newly fledged officers are in the Fort. the draft for five thousand more from this State is now going on." Governor Pickens has granted him exemption. He is a member of Company E First Regt. S C Reserves, about which he gives information. "Oh won't we love the Yankees when this was is at an end! They who have ground us down and bled us for years". He talks of blockade-running (". but we want arms, powder and lead. We have learned to do with dry victuals".) He mentions the Fall of Port Royal (". every town and village is crowded with refugees from the Lower country"). He encloses (attached): list of luxuries and necessities (soap, toothbrushes, writing paper, gout physic) now apparently unobtainable. 26 March 1862
B/FT 1/168: Jacob Williman, notes (p1, corner torn of): additions to his list of items to be sent (see above, item 167.) nd
B/FT 1/169: J H Wilson, New York (pp 2.) Asking for loan to help his father resume business as a cotton planter (having lost all due to war). 19 Sept 1865
B/FT 1/170: H G Wise, London (pp 2; Lloyd's notepaper) re forwarding of papers, and re accounts. 27 Mar 1855
B/FT 1/171: H G W, London (pp 2; Lloyds notepaper.) Sympathises with C K P's anxiety re his friend, and arranges to call at Rumford Place the following week. 27 May 1855
B/FT 1/172: H G W, London (pp 2), re information in the Times. 1 June 1865
B/FT 1/173: H G W, Hampstead, N W London, (pp 2.) Has information that C K P's friend is "safe in Texas". Also re C K P's proposal that Wiss should cross the Atlantic on a "mission" for him. 3 June 1855
B/FT 1/174: H G W, Lloyd's (pp 2.) Wiss still awaiting C K P's "summons" to Liverpool. 8 June 1865
B/FT 1/175: H G W, Colonial Office, London (pp 2.) Re Mr Lafitte, owner of ship "Margaret and Jessie", also mentions the "China". 16 June 1855
B/FT 1/176: H G W, Hampstead, London. His arrangements for production (in England) of new peal of bells for St Michael's church, Charleston. 25 Jan 1865
B/FT 1/177: H G W, Hampstead (pp 2, slightly torn.) Same subject (176) as above. 29 Jan 1865
B/FT 1/178: H G W, Hampstead (pp 2.) As (176) and (177). 31 Jan 1866
B/FT 1/179: H G W, Hampstead (pp 2, mildew) as (175 to 8) above. 2 Feb 1866
B/FT 1/180: From ? London (pp 2, badly damaged.) Writer interested in 'our mutual friend, Major Huse' in providing relief for 'our suffering countrymen' in prisons and hospitals in and around Baltimore. Asks for donation from C K P. nd
B/FT 1/181: (Unsigned), to FT & Co, Liverpool (pp 2). Requests participation (1/5th share) in proposed Cotton operation from the C G. 4 Dec 1863

Other items to/from C K Prioleau, 1860-69
B/FT 1/182: 4 Account sheets re Cotton cargoes carried by various ships to Fraser Trenholm & Co, for acct and risk of C S Govt, (very flimsy and badly torn at edges). This mentions: Don, Nancy, Urgent, Pet, The Edward, Queen of Slippers, Banshee, Queen of Britain, Hanza. (damaged.) 20 Nov 1863
B/FT 1/183: 3 pages (very fragile, largely illegible) contains itemised account of building of vessel by Prioleau to send to help Confederate States in war. Vessel eventually sold to Lafitte. (damaged.) nd (c 1865)
B/FT 1/184: Account sheet (pp 3) re ships Thistle and Lynx. nd
B/FT 1/185: Sheet of informal accounts, jottings, re cotton business. nd
B/FT 1/186: Account sheet: "Adventure 'Cotton for Bonds' " in account current with Fraser Trenholm & Co (costs of shipping cotton.) 8 Dec 1884
B/FT 1/187: 2 loose account sheets (ms.) nd
B/FT 1/188: Account sheet of F T & Co (pp 2) detailing amount due to Co from various persons, incl. amounts transferred from C S Treasury Acct. nd (c 1864-5)
B/FT 1/189: 4 account sheets detailing (a) Messrs White Broughton and White in a/c with the late Mrs Taylor (c & d) Messrs W B & W in a/c with children of Mrs Taylor. (Re dividends on S Carolina Bonds). 2 May 1864 - Oct 1868

Receipts, Bills of exchange etc
B/FT 1/190: 2 Receipts, signed C K P, for sums received from H K Aspinall. nd
B/FT 1/191: Receipt to C K P from Garston Girls' School - 12 weeks' schooling for 3 girls. 10 July 1865
B/FT 1/192: Receipt to C K P from M A Gates, Columbia (fragile). 25 May 1868
B/FT 1/193: Bill from Grosvenor Hotel, London and letter re same; also bill for hire of carriage and horses. Sept 1862
B/FT 1/194: Receipt for unspecified goods, signed Edwin Haigh and ? (torn) (damaged.) nd
B/FT 1/195: 12 Notifications of sale of cotton for cotton for Fraser Trenholm & Co by Thomas Haigh & Co, Liverpool, and 1 memo re arbitrators' allowances on cargo. 23 Jan - 4 Feb 1864
B/FT 1/196: Envelope addressed to J R Armstrong, Es, Messrs Thos Haigh & Co, (Brokers), Liverpool (of previous item). nd
B/FT 1/197: 9 Bills of exchange (3 Baltimore, 2 Charleston, 3 Harkorten (Germany), 1 London). 1865-75
B/FT 1/198: Note from J Pitcairn Campbell to C K P enclosing valuation of cotton cargo by vessel Demetrius from Alexandria, and note of sale by J P C of part of main cargo. 3, 6 Feb 1864
B/FT 1/199: Provisional share certificate for 50 shares in The English and American Bank td, purchased by C K P and shares transfer from re same (both damaged). (damaged.) 29 ? 1865
B/FT 1/200: Memo from M G Klingander & Co, Liverpool, to C K P re specifications, cargo capacity and cost of steamer Kellock ready for use January 1864. 18 Dec 1863
B/FT 1/201: Memoranda for cotton received by: Henry Adderly & Co (and covering letter from same): Consolidated Steam Ship Co; Chicora Steam Ship Co; Charleston Importing & Exporting Co (inc. Lady of the Lake.)
B/FT 1/202: 2 lists (pp 2) of names and occupations of men in London (purpose unclear - possibly Confederate supporters). Sent from London to C K P. 27 Mar 1865
B/FT 1/203: Rough copy (pp 5) of list of content of a house (unspecified) - possibly belonging to Prioleau? nd
B/FT 1/204: Memo re payment for unspecified vessel. 6 Mar 1862(?)
B/FT 1/205: Account Book of C K P with North Western Bank Ltd, Liverpool. 19 May 1864 - 12 Jan 1865
B/FT 1/206: Paymaster-General's (War Office) credit order addressed to H Martini, Southwark (damp.) (damaged) (see above item 31) 23 Oct 1869
B/FT 1/207: Specification (p1) of vessel Foam (built 1862) offered for sale by Rutherdon & Thompson, Shipping Auctioneers etc, London. nd c1862
B/FT 1/208: Receipt to C K P from Henry P Taylor, Charleston for small sum for balance of account. 25 May 1868
B/FT 1/209: 'Translation' of letter, signed W L T (?) (01), and attached note (pencil) - Business, incl. payment of debt. Hopes jointly to arrive "to a speedy liquidation of the business". n d
B/FT 1/210: 'Translation (same writer as (209)) - Finance; also enquires how many rifles have been shipped from America. Also attached receipt: John Bell's Weighing Machine, Church Road, Garston. n d
B/FT 1/211: Receipt to C K P from C C Williams of Winthrop, B Williams, Charleston, S C for £17.13s,7d for balance of account (and photocopy of same). 25 May 1868
B/FT 1/212: Receipt to C K P from Ch Serre and Fils, Meursault, France (re bottles of eau de toilette? Or wine?). 7 Sept 1868
B/FT 1/213: Letter from S R Graves and C K P. Baltic Buildings Redcross St, Liverpool (pp 2.) Asking addressee (unspecified) if he has any remark on his apparent liability. 13 Dec 1864

B/FT 1/214: Cellophane packet contains: 1 miniature photo of 33 Radical Members of South Carolina Legislature, and key 2 copies of each); 2 'paper-printed' photos of unspecified gentlemen (1 possibly Prioleau?); 1 photo of bearded Confederate Officer (3 copies, 1 retouched with colour); 1 photo of unspecified female child; 1 photo of 2 women and 2 small children in motor coach (probably in Southern States of America.) (All photos fragile and faint.) n d
B/FT 1/215: 2 photographs, mounted on card: group of Confederate States' war veterans at Wimbledon, England (2 copies.) 1869

Additional Items
B/FT 1/216: Memoranda (pp 1, edges torn) by Major H S Walker to F T & Co, Liverpool, re Sundry --ments of the Confederate States Govt. (Re cotton cargoes carried by various vessels on behalf of C S Govt. Ships mentioned: President, Nebula, Coral Isle, Harkaway.) n d
B/FT 4/1: Fawcett, Preston & Co (Shipbuilders) Liverpool
(a) i) letter enclosing (ii) specifications for steel screw steamer. (Phantom.) 6 Sept 1862
(b) Fawcett, Preston (i) memo re specification for large iron screw steamer, (ii) letter with alterations re same. 6 Mar 1863 + 12 Mar 1863
B/FT 4/2: Jones, Quiggin & Co (Shipbuilders) Liverpool
Specifications for paddle steamers Rosine and Ruby (Jones, Quiggin & Co). May 1864
(Note at foot: The Steamer has now been fixed up as a cattle boat). 5 Mar 1867
Drawing of "Proposed alterations & additions for No 165". (Jones Quiggin & Co). (Colonel Lamb). Outsize packet. 11 Apr 1864
B/FT 4/3: Other maritime items
a) Advertisement c. 1863
(b) Inventory
(c) Specifications etc re steam corvette Danzig
B/FT 4/4: (a) Account sheet for building of yacht Eagle. Woodside Graving Dock Co Ltd. 18 July 1864
b) Bow anchor & chains West Cowes. 18 July 1864
B/FT 4/5: (a) Inventory (printed) of stores for steam yacht Ceres (built 1859), including diagrams of deck. C 1860
B/FT 4/6: (a) & (b) 2 diagrams of cabins
B/FT 4/7: (a) - (b) Envelope marked in pencil 'Torpedoes' (sic) (containing eight small tracings A-H). n d c1865-70
B/FT 4/8/1: Letter: Ann Elliott, Oak Lawn, St Paul's Parish, South Carolina, USA to C K Prioleau, Liverpool, relating to receipt of cheque to pay for stone in Magnolia Cemetery. Derogatory remarks re negro state administrators. 19 Feb 1869
B/FT 4/8/2: (a) Letter: Thomas Haigh of Thomas Haigh & Co, 12 Brown's Building, Liverpool to C K Prioleau, Liverpool, re purchase of 500 Bales Cotton shipped on Ceres. 24 May 1869
(b) Memorandum from Thomas Haigh & Co to C K Prioleau confirming sale of cotton (see2a), Messrs Rouse & Co, Buyers. 26 June 1869
B/FT 4/3-80: Bundle of correspondence re purchase of arms. Correspondence with Martini, Hotze & Co, 24 Rue de Lisbonne, Paris, France and Birmingham Small Arms Factory, Smallheath, Birmingham (77 letters.) 23 July 1869 - 5 Jan 1870
B/FT 4/8/81-106: Bundle of correspondence re liquidation of companies. (25 letters.) 1 July 1869 - 7 Jan 1870.

B/FT Box 6 1 -34 Legal Cases

B/FT 6/1: New York Supreme Court
Case of George W Lewis vs George A Trenholm, Edward L Trenholm, William Trenholm, James L Welsman, Theodore D Wagner, Charles K Prioleau and B H Warren. Statement of case. Cotton had been purchased in 1861 by the plaintiff and defendants, and was sold by the defendants without giving the plaintiff a full statement of the accounts. The quarrel with Warren relates to the confiscation of U S property in the South (Georgia). Lewis wanted a restraining order on Warren so as to get a share of the proceeds. Jan 1862
B/FT 6/2: Admiralty Court, The Mary otherwise the Alexandra. Case before Sir R J Phillimore. Transcript of judgement on whether "interrogatories" should be allowed. The U S have claimed the vessel and Prioleau has tried to establish his title by a series of links in ownership.

Legal Cases, in Chancery
B/FT 6/3-13: United States v Prioleau & Prioleau v United States
The U S Government was attempting to recover, as its own, property in Europe formerly belonging to the Confederate Government. Prioleau entered a countersuit to obtain "discovery" (to see the evidence of the other side) and to summon President Andrew Johnson as a witness etc.)
B/FT 6/3: Opinion of Charles Hall, Lincoln's Inn. Advises against a crossbill to obtain relief against the U S Government. Contracts not enforceable on the U S Government as successor to the Confederate Government. 11 Oct 1865 Enclosure:- covering letter, from solicitors. 13 Oct 1865
B/FT 6/4: Counsel's opinion concerning contract for purchase of ship (Eugenie.) 11 Oct 1865
B/FT 6/5: Transcript of Mr Tolcher's shorthand notes, Vice Chancellor Wood's Court, Lincoln's Inn. If the U S do not comply with certain conditions 1228 bales of cotton go to Wagner and others. Prioleau, etc would like to make the President of the U S the Defendant. There is a long argument on this (precedents, etc). Cross-bill filed for purpose of discovery. (pp 39.) 6 Jul 1866
B/FT 6/6: Judgement, that the President is not a proper defendant. (pp 7) 6 Jul 1866
B/FT 6/7: Affirmation of Thomas Haines Dudley of Liverpool, "consul at that place for the United States of America being one of the people called Quakers" Dudley represents the U S in their suit. He states that further information necessary to the plaintiffs was being gathered in Washington. July 1866
B/FT 6/8: Affidavit of C K Prioleau (with corrections and comments in Prioleau's hand). He states that he is a partner in Fraser Trenholm and Company, the financial agents of the Confederate Government. He claims that his accounts confirm that he is owed £272,758 13s 6d against which property (list appended, now lost) was held. Another list referred to gave details of goods and monies handled on behalf of the Confederate Government (now missing). He claims that his accounts embrace all his dealings with the C S A (enclosures):
(a) note from Hull, Stone and Fletcher re enclosed draft of affidavit.
(b) copy of a summary of the case of the U S vs Wagner concerning the legitimacy of the U S Government suing as a corporate name. 23 Nov 1866
B/FT 6/9: Judgement on motion of Fraser, Trenholm & Co and on the Summons of U S A (printed.) 20 Dec 1866
B/FT 6/10: Copy draft order on Motion to vacate recognisance (new security of £20,000 given by C K P.) 20 Dec 1866
B/FT 6/11: Answer of U S A. 11 Jan 1867
B/FT 6/11a: Another copy of 11.
B/FT 6/12: Further Answer of U S A to Plaintiffs Amended Bill. 31 Aug 1867
B/FT 6/13: Opinion of Charles Hall and J P Benjamin, Temple, than an agreement was not binding on Prioleau. 3 Feb 1868
B/FT 6/14: C K Prioleau and others vs R P Waller
Bill of complaint. 26 Mar 1866 (printed)
B/FT 6/15: Waller vs Prioleau
Amended Bill of Complaint. 3 May 1866 (printed)
B/FT 6/16-17: U S A vs Wagner & Others
B/FT 6/16: Amended Bill of Complaint. 11 Jan 1867 (printed)
B/FT 6/17: Copy interrogatories. 23 Jan 1867
B/FT 6/18: U S A vs Welsman
Bill of Complaint . 16 Nov 1867

Further Lawsuits
Thomas Greenwood of Leeds was a manufacturer of machinery to produce gun parts. Rowsell Sabine Ripley (see biographical note) was formerly a General in the C S A Army.

B/FT 6/19: In Queens' Bench, Ripley v Greenwood
Examination of Major Caleb Huse. He states that his purpose in Europe was "to procure arms and artillery" for the C S War Department, that Ferguson took charge of purchasing for the Quartermaster's Stores (clothing etc). The C S Government initially sent Bills of Exchange to Fraser, Trenholm to cover outlay of agents, but later sent cotton. J H Burton was sent in 1863 to procure plant. Letter of accreditation from Mr Josiah Gorgas (the commander of the C S Ordnance service) is quoted and a copy of Burton's instructions. (Morrison and Commager The Growth of the American Republic, vol. 1 (4th ed, 10th printing, N Y 1960) p 662. "When the blockade stopped regular shipments from Europe, which was not until the end of 1863, the Confederate Ordnance service, under a resourceful Pennsylvanian names Josiah Gorgas, was able to keep the army supplied..") Fraser, Trenholm, in this contract were cover for Confederate purchasers (to avoid capture) and were to receive 10% payment. Greenwood and Batley were to ship the plant to Bermuda/Nassau since Fraser, Trenholm had already lost a ship on that route to the U S Navy, and thought that the latter might respect a native British manufacturer. Major Walker, the Confederate agent in Bermuda was to take delivery and to arrange forwarding to a Southern port. 25th & 26th September 1868
B/FT 6/20-24: In Chancery: Greenwood vs Ripley
B/FT 6/20: Shorthand notes. Greenwood supplied purchasers for the C S A. The U S Government were claiming material which had been ordered but not delivered to C S A and Greenwood is claiming payment of £100,000. Ripley had purchased the machinery initially but had taken only part delivery. In the meantime part was sold to another purchaser. 16 July 1868
B/FT 6/21: Shorthand notes. The case goes back to purchase in 1863 from a manufacturer well-known for the production of Enfield rifles. Fraser, Trenholm and Company negotiated the purchase (described as "the well known agents of the Confederate Government"). This company wound up in 1867. Much of the machinery ordered was supplied but some had not been at the conclusion of the War. The deal was suspended. Ripley negotiated for the remainder and bought it in 1867. There was then a contract between Ripley and Pritched ("Congreve war rocket manufacturer") for the machinery at double Ripley's purchase price. This was described in court as an "improbable transaction". 20 July 1868
B/FT 6/22: Answer of C K Prioleau (printed). 19 Jan 1869
B/FT 6/23: Answer of J R Armstrong (printed). 19 Jan 1869
B/FT 6/24: Affidavit of Thomas Greenwood. 27 Dec 1870
Legal Papers
B/FT 6/25: Affidavit of Jacob Dochray of Leeds, Machine Maker, Broker and Valuer. 27 Dec 1870
B/FT 6/26: Schedule of machinery (exhibit D). 27 Dec 1870
B/FT 6/27: In Equity: U S A 4th Circuit, District of S Carolina U S A vs John Fraser & Co and others (printed). 30 May 1867
Parliamentary Papers (Printed)
B/FT 6/28: Correspondence with U S Government respecting Blockade. 1861
B/FT 6/29: North America, No 8- Papers relating to the Blockade of the Ports of the Confederate States. 1862
B/FT 6/30: Extracts from correspondence between the Commissioners of Customers and the Custom House Authorities at Liverpool re Alabama (vessel no 290).
B/FT 6/31: North America No 13 - correspondence respecting the removal of British Consuls from the so-styled Confederate States of America. 1864
U S Congress
B/FT 6/32: H R 283. Joint resolutions re Confederate Property in foreign countries - no special agents to be employed to recover it. 2 Jun 1868
Miscellaneous material
B/FT 6/33: Letter: F J Moses, Governor of South Carolina re the labour situation for the cultivation of rice on land owned by 'foreign capitalists'. These latter are welcomed. Pencil footnotes re use of white labour only as overseers (very interesting letter.) 3 May 1873
B/FT 6/34: Printed list of members of the Southern Independence Association, Manchester. (Very fragile - copy only to teachers.) n d c1862

B/FT Box 8/1: Letter Book of C K Prioleau. From Liverpool 20 June 1862 - 15 Mar 1865

B/FT Box 8/2: Letter Book of C K Prioleau. From Liverpool. 22 Mar 1867 - 20 Nov 1868

B/FT Box 8/3: Letter Book of C K Prioleau and Co from London. Signed by J R Hamilton. 2 Jul 1869 - 12 Apr 1870

B/FT Box 9/1: Letter Book of C K Prioleau and Co, No 2. From London. Signed by J R Hamilton. 13 Apr 1870 - 30 Jan 1871

B/FT Box 9/2: Letter Book of C K Prioleau and Co, No 3. From London. Signed by J R Hamilton. 31 Jan 1871 - 27 Oct 1871

B/FT Box 9/3: Letter Book of C K Prioleau and Co, No 4. From London. Signed by J R Hamilton. 28 Oct 1871 - 2 Sept 1872

B/FT Box 10/1: Letter Book of C K Prioleau and Co, No 5. From London. Signed by J R Hamilton. 2 Sept 1872 - 5 Mar 1873

B/FT Box 10/2: Letter Book of C K Prioleau and Co, No 6. From London. Signed by J R Hamilton. 6 Mar 1873 - 13 Aug 1873

B/FT Box 10/3: Letter Book of C K Prioleau and Co, No 7. From London. Signed by J R Hamilton. 13 Aug 1873 - 28 Feb 1874

B/FT Box 11/1: Letter Book (private) of J R Hamilton. 12 Mar 1868 - 14 Jun 1869
B/FT Box 11/2: Letter Book (private) of J R Hamilton. 15 July 1869 - 10 Jan 1876
B/FT Box 11/3: Letter Book (private) of J R Hamilton. 15 Feb 1869 - 7 Aug 1874
B/FT Box 11/4: Letter Book, Martini's Patents No 1. 19 Mar 1871 - 14 Jan 1876

B/FT Box 12/1: Letter Book of C K Prioleau and Co. From London. Signed by C H Kaselack? (badly mildewed.) 30 June 1875 - 20 July 1877
B/FT Box 12/2: Account Sales Book No 1. Prioleau & Co. 8 Dec 1869 - 16 Feb 1870

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